Johanna Bartz, traverso
studied with Marc Hantai and Anne Smith in Basel, with Barthold Kuijken in Brussel and with Christoph Huntgeburth in Berlin after receiving a diploma on the modern flute and instrumental pedagogy with Annette von Stackelberg. She performed with ensembles such as Le Concert des Nations, LauttenCompagney Berlin, Elbipolis Hamburg, Bach Collegium Saarbrücken, Capella Claromontana, Berlin Baroque, Capriccio Basel or Zürcher Barockorcherster with conductors such as Jordi Savall, Vaclav Luks, Sigiswald Kuijken, Raphael Alpermann et al. She is the principal flutist of several early music ensembles such as Wunderkammer (Berlin), Svapinga Consort (Munich), Oasis of Horror (Paris), BachCollectiv of the Bachfesttage Köthen and the novantik project basel, which stages concerts and opera projects interconnecting early and contemporary music. She regularly performs with the Dianthus Ensemble (ensemble in residence at the Rheinsberg Castle in 2012). Additionally, lectures and CD and broadcast recordings for MDR, SR, Radio de la Suisse Romande, Radio Catalunya, Querstand, Coviello Classics and Decca complete her work as a musician. During her studies Johanna was an awardee of Yehudi Menuhin - Live Music Now Berlin e.V., the DOMS foundation and Lyceum Club Basel, the Musikakademie Basel and the Hirschmann foundation. Among others, her traverso playing was awarded at the German national music competition "Jugend Musiziert", Förderstiftung Fürstenhagen and at the International Gebrüder Graun Competition where she was awarded the soloist prize in 2013. From September 2016 on Johanna will teach the renaissance traverso and consort as an associate professor at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
Lucia Giraudo, baroque violin
originally from Argentina, is a solo, chamber, and orchestral baroque violinist currently living in the Netherlands. She has performed with ensembles such as Divino Sospiro, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Jordi Savall's Esperion XXI, Academia Montis Regalis, Harmonie Universelle, and Holland Baroque Society. Lucia is co- founder of the ensemble Radio Antiqua (winner of the International Händel competition Göttingen 2014) with whom she has performed in festival such as Ambronay Festival, Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik, Göttingen Historical Music Series and Pavia Barocca. In addition to her baroque career, Lucia plays modern violin and has been a member of Hector del Curto's Eternal Tango Orchestra in New York and Conexxion Tango in Barcelona. She is also an avid performer of new music, having premiered compositions in the United States, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, and Argentina. Lucia is currently a master student of Kati Debretzeni at The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. She earned a postgraduate degree while studying baroque violin with Manfredo Kraemer in ESMUC, Spain, and a bachelor's degree in Early Music while studying with Stanley Ritchie, Michael McCraw and Nigel North at Indiana University, USA.
Dorothee Mühleisen, baroque violin and viola
born in Stuttgart, she grew up in a fruitful musical environment. She studied in modern violin in Cologne with Saschko Gawriloff and Michaele Martin. There, she also got to know historical performance for the first time. Enthusiastic about this new way of playing, she continued her studiesat the Royal Conservatory in Brussels with Sigiswald Kuijken and in Den Haag Conservatory with Enrico Gatti and Pavlo Beznosiuk. After this inspiring period in international atmosphere, she returned to Germany, where she established herself first in Konstanz and since 2010 in Berlin, appreciating the vibrant versatility of her profession. She regularly performs with numerous ensembles such as Stuttgarter Barockorchester and Hofkapelle, Dresdner Barockorchester, Wallfischband, Kölner Akademie, Münchner Hofkapelle, Dianthus Ensemble and Bach-Stiftung St.Gallen.
Lea Rahel Bader, baroque cello and viola da gamba
received her first cello lessons at the age of five and was national winner of "Jugend Musiziert". She studied at Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin with Hans-Jakob Eschenburg and Prof. Stephan Forck, receiving further impulses from Claudio Bohorquez und Peter Bruns. She is a winner of Oberstdorf Chamber Music Prize 2006 and holds a scholarship from Yehudi Menuhin "Live Music Now" Foundation. Her interest for historical performance led her to master classes with Siegfried Bank, Phoebe Carrai, Markus Möllenbeck and finally to studying baroque cello with Kristin von der Goltz. Furthermore, she is studying viola da gamba with Heidi Gröger. Lea Rahel performs regularly with different ensembles, among others at Thüringer Bachwochen and Händel Festspiele Göttingen. In 2012, she toured Europe as a member of the European Union Baroque Orchestra. At International Bach Competition in Leipzig 2012, she received the prize for the "most promising baroque cellist of EU". In the field of contemporary music, she collaborates with different ensembles at festivals like Crosssound Festival Alaska, Tonlagen Dresden, MaerzMusik Berlin; Milano Musica et al. She is a regular musician at musical theatre productions at Hebbel Theater, Neuköllner Oper, Konzerthaus and Berliner Ensemble. Concert tours in Europe, also North and South America.
Maria Busqué, harpsichord
was born in Seville (Spain) and is a harpsichordist and resonance teacher living in Berlin. She performs regularly with different ensembles on period instruments, such as Dianthus Ensemble, founded upon her initiative and which was appointed "Rheinsberger Hofkapelle 2012". Maria received her training at University of the Arts Berlin and at master classes with Olivier Baumont, Maggie Cole and Marieke Spaans. Previously, she completed studies in piano and music theory at Barcelona's Conservatori Superior de Música, and participated actively in the field of contemporary music in Barcelona in Berlin. She won third prize at "Arjau" Competition for Contemporary Catalan Music and was among the first group of chosen artists for operare07, initiated by Zeitgenössiche Oper Berlin. She appeared at Avuimúsica concert series (Barcelona), Musikfesttage an der Oder and Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival, et. al. One of her passions resides in teaching. Recent engagements included the artistic direction of a Händel opera project with Berlin music students. Maria combines her concert activity with a teacher's training in Resonanzlehre (Applied Musical Physiology) and collaborates regularly in education projects by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Sarah Perl, viola da gamba
was born 1977 in northern Germany and studied viola da gamba with Achim Weigel (Würzburg), Niklas Trüstedt (Berlin) and Hille Perl (Bremen). She attended master classes by Jordi Savall, Paolo Pandolfo and Wieland Kuijken. Concerts, CD and radio recordings with ensembles such as Lautten Compagney, German Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam, Ars Nova Kopenhagen, Orlando di Lasso Ensemble, Dresdner Kammerchor, Hans-Christoph Rademann and EX early music ensemble Dublin. With her duo partner Mira Lange, she works on the inexhaustible solo repertoire for viola da gamba. Sarah is a member of Hille Perl's viola consort Sirius Viols, with which she produced various CD recordings. The artist lives in Berlin.
Anna Tausch, baroque cello und recorders
lives as freelance musician in Innsbruck, Austria. Chamber music projects with ensembles such as Klingzeug and Berlin-based group Dianthus Ensemble (Rheinsberger Hofkapelle 2012) take a high priority in her musical work. Further projects with Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin and Concerto Stelle Matutina, performing for Festwochen für Alte Musik Innsbruck, Regensburger Tage für Alte Musik, Potsdamer Theatersommer and concert series Musik Plus. Moreover, she teaches a cello and flute class in Tirol Music School. Her studies on baroque cello took her from Linz with Claire pottinger-Schmidt to Berlin with Markus Möllenbeck to Munich, where she is currently studying master's with Kristin von der Goltz.